Saturday, 20 August 2011

Iftar with the Jams~

Hai, hari ni aku gi mkn buffet dkt Bangi Equatorial..Memang sgt best tmpt die tp x dapat la aku merasa berenang kt swimming pool die sbb bulan puase kan..x psl2 tertelan air klorin tu nanti..Anyway, here's the pics~

                                                   Sedapnye waffle tu~

                Lauk yg Hawe mkn..Nmpk beno pelahap tp x sepelahap aku..hehehe~

                                     Abang lg laa kuat mkn..Nyum, nyum!!

                                                My father with Adeek~

Ok, before I could finish my post, here's the video of Adeek complaining that he cannot eat solid food at the buffet~

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